The Ultimate Guide to Planning and Hosting a Keynote Speaker

Hello, wonderful readers! I’m Jessica Cox, and I’m excited to share with you this ultimate guide to planning and hosting a keynote speaker. With 19 years of experience as a motivational speaker, having spoken in 28 countries and engaged audiences from a single person to 40,000 in virtual and in-person events, I’ve learned what it takes to deliver a great keynote speech.

A keynote speaker can significantly influence the success of an event by inspiring and enlightening attendees. This guide is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions when selecting and hosting a keynote speaker. Whether you’re organizing a corporate conference, a community event, or an educational seminar, the insights shared here will help ensure your event is a resounding success. Let’s dive in and discover how to make your next event truly unforgettable with the right keynote speaker.

What is a Keynote Speaker?

When it comes to events, the term “keynote speaker” often takes center stage. But it’s important to understand that not all speakers are keynote speakers. As someone who has worn many hats, including keynote speaker, closing speaker, guest speaker, and meeting speaker, I can tell you that each role serves a distinct purpose in an event.

A keynote speaker is typically the highlight of the event, setting the tone and theme with an impactful and inspiring speech. They are often the main attraction and can influence the audience’s perception of the entire event. On the other hand, closing speakers wrap up the event with a powerful message, guest speakers contribute their expertise on specific topics, and a meeting speaker will usually address a particular department gathering that may not involve the whole company.

While using “keynote speaker” as a search term can bring up some of the best speakers, it’s crucial to use the right terminology for your event’s needs. If you’re looking for a speaker to fill a specific role, consider using more niche terms like “closing speaker” or “guest speaker” in your search. This approach can help you uncover hidden gems and ensure that you find the perfect speaker for your event. Remember, the key to a successful event is not just finding a great speaker, but finding the right speaker for the right moment.

Why Hire a Keynote Speaker?

As an event planner, bringing a keynote speaker on board is like adding a secret ingredient to your recipe for a successful event. It’s about creating a memorable experience that leaves a lasting impact on everyone involved.

For you, the event planner, a keynote speaker is a game-changer. They’re the heartbeat of your event, setting the tone and energy right from the start. A great keynote speaker attracts a crowd, not just with their name but with the promise of an engaging and inspiring experience. They add a touch of credibility and prestige, making your event the one everyone talks about.

Now, let’s talk about the attendees, the heart and soul of the event. They’re there for a journey, and a keynote speaker is their guide. Attendees walk away with more than just notes; they carry inspiration, new perspectives, and a spark to ignite their personal and professional growth. The right keynote creates a shared experience, a sense of unity, and opens doors for networking and connections that last long after the event is over.

So, why hire a keynote speaker? Because they’re the bridge between your event’s goals and the audience’s experience. They’re the magic that transforms a good event into an unforgettable one. For both event planners and attendees, a keynote speaker is the key to unlocking an extraordinary event experience.

How Do I Identify a Good Speaker?

Finding the perfect keynote speaker is a bit like detective work. You’re on a mission to uncover the best match for your event’s theme, goals, and energy level. And while you could sift through speaker bureaus, sometimes the answer is just a click away on a professional speaker’s website (hint: you might be on one right now!).

First, nail down your event’s theme and objectives. Are you aiming to inspire? Educate? Motivate? Once you have a clear vision, the search for a speaker who embodies those goals begins. You’re not just looking for someone who can talk for an hour; you’re looking for a storyteller who can captivate, engage, and leave a lasting impression.

Experience is key. A seasoned speaker knows how to navigate the ebb and flow of an audience’s attention, keeping them hooked from start to finish. And let’s not forget about energy! The right speaker can match the vibe of your event, whether it’s a high-octane conference or a more subdued seminar.

In short, identifying the ideal keynote speaker is about finding that perfect blend of relevance, experience, and energy. And when you find that match, you’re not just filling a time slot; you’re setting the stage for an unforgettable event.

What Should a Keynote Speaker Talk About?

When it comes to crafting the perfect keynote speech, it’s all about finding that sweet spot where inspiration meets action. A keynote speaker should weave a narrative that aligns seamlessly with the event’s theme, whether it’s diving deep into the company culture to understand the broader context or naturally syncing with the theme through their own experiences.

But it’s not just about fitting in with the theme; it’s about elevating it. A great keynote speech should inspire and motivate the audience, leaving them with a renewed sense of purpose and drive. It should be a call to action, providing practical insights and strategies that attendees can take away and apply in their own lives.

And let’s not forget the power of personal stories. Sharing personal anecdotes and experiences adds a layer of depth and relatability to the speech. It’s these stories that often resonate the most and leave a lasting impact on the audience.

In essence, a keynote speaker should create a speech that captivates the audience, aligns with the event’s goals, and drives them to action, all while sharing a piece of their own journey. It’s a delicate balance, but when done right, it can turn a good event into an unforgettable one.

What is Expected from a Professional Speaker?

A keynote speaker is more than just the highlight of your event; they’re the heartbeat that keeps it alive. From the moment you book them to the final round of applause, their role is crucial in making your event a success. So, what should you expect from a keynote speaker?

First and foremost, professionalism is key. A great speaker respects your time and the effort that goes into organizing an event. They’re punctual, well-prepared, and ready to deliver a speech that resonates with your audience.

Curiosity is another hallmark of a top-notch speaker. They want to know all about your event – its theme, style, and energy – so they can tailor their speech to fit like a glove. It’s this attention to detail that can turn a good speech into an unforgettable experience.

Now, let’s talk about responsiveness. We all know that speakers can be busy, jet-setting around the globe to inspire audiences far and wide. But a prompt response, ideally within 36 hours, is a sign of a speaker who values your collaboration. Just remember, if they’re in a different time zone, they might be delivering a speech while you’re hitting send on that email!

And then there’s the tech rehearsal – the unsung hero of any keynote speech. It’s like checking your flight itinerary before boarding; you wouldn’t want to end up in Barrow, Alaska, when you were dreaming of Barbados. Imagine the speaker stepping up to deliver their speech, only to find the microphone is on a vacation of it’s own. Now that’s a chilly surprise nobody’s packed for!

How Can You Maximize the Value of a Speaker?

Maximizing the value of a keynote speaker is like tuning an instrument to perfection – it makes the whole performance sing. Start by collaborating with your speaker before the event. Share key details about your audience, goals, and theme to tailor their message for maximum impact.

Next, turn up the volume on promotion. Use the speaker’s reputation to your advantage by highlighting their presence in your marketing efforts. This builds anticipation and draws in a larger crowd.

Engagement is the name of the game. Beyond the keynote, consider setting up a book signing, a Q&A session, a photo op, or a add on workshop with the keynote speaker. These activities provide a personal touch and allow the audience to connect with the speaker on a deeper level.

Feedback is your friend. After the event, collect audience insights to gauge the keynote’s effectiveness. This helps you and the speaker understand what worked well and what could be improved.

Lastly, be upfront with your requests. Before signing the contract, communicate your ideas about the extras you want from the keynote speaker. Whether it’s emceeing the event or leading a workshop, clear communication ensures everyone’s on the same page.


And that’s a wrap! We’ve navigated through the skies of planning and hosting a keynote speaker, from finding the right fit to ensuring they soar at your event. I hope you’re now feeling ready to take the controls and pilot your next event to new heights.

Remember, a great keynote speaker is the engine that propels your event forward, leaving a trail of inspiration in their wake. So, take these insights, add your unique flair, and prepare for a smooth landing into an unforgettable experience for your attendees.

If you’re in search of a keynote speaker who can elevate your event with a story of overcoming adversity and inspiration, I’d be thrilled to be considered for your next gathering. Let’s connect and chart a course for an extraordinary event!

Here’s to making your next event not just good, but extraordinary!