The Missing Piece Holding you Back From your Goals

Today, I want to talk about an idea that is fundamental to taking control of your life accountability! Accountability is making it your responsibility to give an account to someone. That someone does not have to be another person—you can be accountable to yourself. I think you should be accountable to yourself foremost, before anybody’s help can be of value to you.

My first experience of being held accountable was in one of my first meetings with my mentor, Barbie Thomas. Barb lost her arms as a young child and had learned to use her feet as her hands. Barb lives a normal life and raised two sons. When I met her, most of my questions were related to how she manages shopping in a store, and so she insisted on taking me to one. She showed me how to push a cart without arms and how to reach things on high shelves. A few months after that, Barb came to visit me at home. She specifically told my mom that I can do my own shopping and that my mom should not do it for me. She turned to me and said, “You need to stop relying on someone to help you shop. You need to do it on your own!”

That was such a beautiful gift from her! First, she showed me how to navigate a store and then fully expected me to do it on my own. She knew that my heart’s desire was for empowerment and independence, and she called me out on a habit that was going against those desires. Barb was someone my excuses wouldn’t work with. She could hold my feet to the fire!

Here are a few other tips that you may find useful in building accountability:

Find an Accountability Partner

Who are the people in your life who can help reinforce your accountability? It needs to be someone not connected to our baggage that we all carry, someone like a coach!

I was fortunate to have grown up with a family that didn’t treat me differently than they would have any other child. I was expected to contribute to household chores. My parents enrolled me in sports. I had to study hard in a regular school. Ideally, it should be someone with whom it will be easy to communicate regularly so you can connect often.

A life coach, like myself, is trained to listen to your personal story and help you navigate your way to success in your unique situation. I would love to be your accountability partner! If you want to try it out, go to

Build or Join a Community of Like-Minded People

When you band together with other people who have similar goals, you can share ideas and support and encourage each other. You can update each other on where you are on your journey and cheer each other up.

On top of my Motivation Nation emails, there’s also an exclusive Facebook group where you can connect with other people who have the same goals.

Set Clear and Measurable Goals

Clear and measurable goals are an easier target than vague and abstract wishes. They help you keep track of your progress so you can adjust if necessary. Seeing how you get closer and closer to your goals also give you a motivational boost. Do you want to lose weight? Don’t just say you want to be thin. Set an ideal weight or clothes size.

Define a Timeline

A timeframe will keep you focused on your plan. When you have a date in mind, you are less likely to procrastinate. It will be easier to draw up concrete steps that you can accomplish every day so that you have achieved your goal when your deadline rolls around.

Don’t Give Up!

Giving up when you fall short ensures that you will never reach your goal. Being accountable to yourself means never letting yourself give up on your dreams!


I am Jessica Cox, and I achieved the impossible by becoming the first licensed pilot in history with no arms. I have shared my story around the world as a motivational speaker. Now I share the skills I learned achieving my impossible as a life coach. Take control of your life and your dreams at