This Little Light of Mine: Ways To Reignite Your Faith

Everybody knows the old song “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” We all try to live the message of that song and be the best Christians we can be, but from time to time we all experience lapses in our faith and fervor. Although the reasons for this could be as varied as the stars in the sky, this lapse in faith may seem scary. You may be wondering if it’s a permanent situation, but I’m here to tell you that it mercifully is not. Here are a few ways to turn that light back on!

Schedule Time for God

Routines are important, especially when it comes to reigniting your faith. If you’re experiencing a lapse in the burning flame of faith, there’s a good chance that it’s due to you not giving enough attention and time to God. Whether it’s scheduling some time in the morning to read the Bible or pray, or simply getting yourself back to church regularly, it’s important that you actively make time for God.

Surround Yourself With the Faithful

If you’ve got people in your life who share your religious beliefs, it’s important that you not only surround yourself with their positivity but also relate your struggles to them. All religious people eventually go through temporary struggles with their faith, so there’s no need to worry about them judging you. Just being around other people is a calming influence, and there’s a good chance they’ll have some valuable advice for you.

Give Back

Anyone who volunteers regularly knows that nothing makes you feel better than helping others. And not only does it make you feel good, it makes God happy too. We all know that the Bible is very specific about the importance of prioritizing the act of helping others, and once you start seeing the positive results of volunteering and serving others, your faith will begin to burn more brightly than ever before.

My name is Jessica Cox, and my faith motivates me to live my best possible life. If you’re interested in allowing me to help the attendees at your convention, meeting, or faith-based gathering discover their hidden strengths and learn to live their best possible life, please call me at 520-505-1359 or contact me on my website.