What to do When You Find Yourself Questioning God’s Plan For You

Trusting God’s plan for you is easy: except when it isn’t! And when it isn’t easy, it’s downright unbearable. Not only do you feel lost, afraid, and maybe even a little guilty, you lose your feeling of close connection with the Lord and begin questioning everything. Although it’s certainly not a fun situation to be in, it’s certainly fairly common when things begin to go wrong. If this is the situation you’re in now, this article is for you.

Identify the Source of Doubt

Before you can begin to re-gain your assurance in God’s plan, the first thing to do is identify the source of your doubt so you can begin to find a solution. Questioning God’s plan can take many forms. Doubt can come from intellectual questions about the nature of God or Christianity (like, “how do I know the Bible is inspired by God?”), or it can come from emotional sources (i.e., “why does God allow suffering?”). Both of these sources of doubt have different strategies for dealing with them.

Spend Some Time in the Word

We read the Bible for many reasons, but never forget that one of the main ones is that it brings us comfort. If you haven’t been spending as much time as you should reading the Word, there’s no better time to start than when your faith is in need of a little boost. If you find yourself doubting your faith and don’t know where to start, here are 14 bible verses that can help you get back on track.

Don’t Forget to Pray

How often we forget to pray! It’s one of the easiest and best things you can do when you’re struggling, but it seems like it’s also the easiest to neglect. Even if your life is hectic, you can find some time to pray, and I suggest you do! There’s nothing that can bring you inner peace than talking directly with the Lord. He knows you’re struggling, all you have to do is ask him for help.

My name is Jessica Cox, and my trust in the Lord has helped me overcome life’s obstacles and use them to grow my faith. If you’re interested in having me share my story at your convention, meeting, or faith-based gathering, call me at 520-505-1359 or contact me on my website.